Maintenance, Repair, and Operations (MRO)

MRO, an acronym for Maintenance, Repair, and Operations, encompasses the activities conducted to uphold assets, ensuring they remain in optimal working condition and yield maximum efficiency.

In the domain of Asset Management, MRO plays a pivotal role, facilitating efficient asset management from the procurement and installation stages to operation and eventual decommissioning.


Maintenance involves planned, proactive, and preventive measures performed on physical assets to sustain their proper functionality. These activities aim to minimize asset downtime, reduce unforeseen maintenance costs, and optimize asset efficiency.


Repair activities address asset breakdowns or issues identified during routine maintenance, whether reactive measures during breakdowns or planned repairs during scheduled downtime. Repair efforts are primarily aimed at restoring assets to working condition.


Operations encompass various business-related activities, including inventory management, asset and spare parts procurement, material usage tracking, resource allocation, logistics and distribution management, health and safety standards maintenance, facilities optimization, documentation and record-keeping, and workflow streamlining across organizational departments.

Significance of MRO
  • Asset Reliability and Performance:- Effective MRO practices are crucial for minimizing major breakdowns and unplanned maintenance, enhancing asset reliability and performance.
  • Asset Life Cycle Management:- Regular maintenance, such as planned, proactive, and preventive measures, extends the lifetime of assets.
  • Cost Management:- Efficient MRO practices reduce emergency repairs and replacements, ultimately lowering costs for organizations.
  • Reduce Downtime:- Well-planned maintenance strategies enhance asset operational efficiency, reducing downtime.
  • Safety and Compliance:- Regular inspection and maintenance ensure adherence to safety compliance and industry standards.
  • Improved Operational Performance:- Well-executed MRO practices enhance overall organizational efficiency and productivity.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making:- Modern MRO techniques like predictive maintenance, condition monitoring, machine learning, augmented reality/virtual reality (AR/VR), digital twin, and mobile maintenance solutions leverage analytics and advanced technologies to provide real-time data for informed decision-making.
Modern MRO Techniques
  • Predictive Maintenance:- Using analytics and real-time sensor data to predict failures and trigger alerts for corrective actions.
  • Condition Monitoring:- Utilizing IoT sensors to monitor real-time asset data, optimizing maintenance schedules.
  • Machine Learning:- Employing learning models to detect anomalies in asset behavior based on various failure patterns.
  • Augmented Reality (AR) / Virtual Reality (VR):- Facilitating training, troubleshooting, and remote assistance to improve maintenance efficiency.
  • Digital Twin:- Creating a virtual replica of assets and their data standards for AI-powered systems to compare real-time operational data, triggering alerts when maintenance is needed.
  • Mobile Maintenance Solutions:- Implementing mobile solutions for on-the-go access to work orders, manuals, and other information to enhance operational efficiency and maintenance quality.


Jawahar Jothilingam

Product Specialist - EAM360

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